Heavenly Healing & Restoration

Heavenly Healing & Restoration

Tholi Oil is a Kingdom-centered company focused on bringing healing into people's lives through natural products and design.

Tholi Oil is a Kingdom-centered company focused on bringing healing into people's lives through natural products and design.

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God’s Vision is Our Mission

In 2019 Tholi Founder, Krista Brons, experienced a divine vision where the Lord shared a unique sandal and a special oil to heal His people. Since that time, Krista and her best friend, Rachel Baxter – Tholi CEO, have heard from the Lord about every aspect of the sandals and the essential oils to bring God’s vision to life.

As stewards of the Lord’s vision and His company, the Tholi Oil team is on a mission to reach as many of God’s people as quickly as possible to get His oil on their bodies to bring restorative cellular health and well-being. With toxins in our air, food, water, and vaccines, it is God’s heart to restore the cells within our bodies to their original intent. Tholi’s biblical essential oil blend along with our wool delivery system and our heavenly footwear, headwear, and other wearables helps us achieve God’s desire.
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What Does Tholi Mean?

Tholi stands for “The Healer Our Lord Is.”

 How We Came to Our Name

Krista's daughter, Ady heard, “The Lord is Our Healer.” Ady believed that they were to take the first letters of that phrase and make the name of the company. When the letters were put on the page HOLI jumped out. The T was the only letter left. So we rearranged the letters with the T (for the cross) to go first. Which says the "T" (the cross) is "holi" (holy). Tholi’s acronym, "The Healer Our Lord Is," was born. Two days after discerning the company name, Krista, Rylie and Adalynn came across this unique tree on a walk. Notice that Rylie’s shirt says “Declare,” and Ady’s shirt says, “Dream & Believe.”

The distinctive shape of the tree caught their attention. The Holy Spirit told Krista, "This is your logo." After returning home the trio sat down as a family and talked about this interesting tree on their walk. Krista's husband, Ryan, a pastor who studied the Greek and Hebrew languages in seminary, recognized that there appeared to be two symbols in the tree. The Greek letter PSI and the Hebrew letter Shin both stood out to Ryan. The word for life or soul begins with the PSI symbol seen in the tree.

The Hebrew letter, Shin, was found twice in the tree: the tree itself and the carving in the trunk of the tree. Ryan shared that the Hebrew word “oil” begins with a Shin. This Shin logo is full of spiritual meaning. The Shin stands for shalom, denoting peace and perfection, as well as representing the divine power of our creator.

Deep Dive: The Vision for Tholi

Our Kingdom Focused Leaders

Our Wool Mill

Wool delivery is a big component of the Lord's plan for restoring our cells via essential oils. He taught us that when we combine wool's 5000 mHz frequency with His biblical essential oil blend, we significantly boost the efficacy of the oil in reaching and restoring our cells. Because wool is such an integral part of our oil delivery system, we purchased a small wool mill, moved it to Missouri, and named it the Good Shephard Wool Mill.

Working in conjuncture with our partners at Wool Works Etc. we process raw wool from our sheep into the wool discs you find in our wearables.
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Tholi Oil Partners

Schelle Waldrop: Certified Aromatherapist, Master Skincare Formulator, Holistic Wellness Practitioner & Nurse -  Schelle advises our oil blending process with her expertise and passion for essential oils and Wellness.

Laura Sywejk: Shepherd of Woolworks, etc. Farm-raised, mill spun, natural, luxurious Merino wool - Laura provides the wool from Noah and Jimmy, her Merino sheep, that go into the Tholi Oil Activator Discs.

Dr. David Carmack, DPN: Podiatry Specialist & Surgeon - Dr. Dave has been instrumental in growing our understanding of the anatomy of feet and the health issues associated with feet for guidance in design of our Heavenly Footwear.

Elizabeth Biggs: Krista met Elizabeth, a resident of England, at a 100X conference in May of 2022.  Elizabeth felt led to contribute $25k no strings attached after hearing Krista's Tholi Oil testimony!